"Hi There"...
Today is Friday, March 28th...a damp, cloudy day in the town.
Our Sunworthy Workshop is a small, private, art business located on
the east end of Gettysburg, Pa. This is our 37th year in business.
Custom art projects, handpainting and "broken treasures restorations"
are received by appointment only. Please Call: (717) 337-1888
Hummels, ceramics, plaster statues, cookie jars, gilded frames etc.,
are typical projects. Unusual, one-of-a-kind items are creative challenges!
Every item is given personal, quality care with craftsmanship guaranteed.
Look for us adjacent to our bungalow which houses 4 felines and a
people-loving Australian Shepherd. The workshop sits at the end of our
gravel driveway. A kitty or two might greet you when you visit!
The "artist's life" is represented well here and there is always some-
thing "in the works". I also sell my original creations online and at shows.
We enjoy meeting you and welcome back customers who have
become friends over the years.
The restoration process is done slow and meticulously and of course,
the creativity never ends. Take Care...Bye for Now...